Ready for Love Tarot Reading


The Ready For Love tarot spread is a 14 card email tarot reading that looks at different aspects of being ready for love.


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The Ready For Love tarot reading looks at different aspects of being ready for true love to come your way. Most of us are looking for love to come into our lives but sometimes it seems to be a long time coming.

This reading is particularly useful if you have been waiting or looking for a long time because there may be issues that you are not as aware of as you should be. These issues could delay new love coming your way because you need to deal with them before you will be truly ready.

Wanting someone “now” is not the same as being ready for them “now.” It may seem that you’ve been waiting forever and that you couldn’t be more ready, but how true is that? The answer to the question of why you have waited so long could be that you have not done the work you need to do to be ready for a lifetime of love. It’s no good making the same mistakes you’ve made in the past. Find out what you need to do and do it!

This is one of the best and most complex readings we do for those of waiting for Cupid to strike.


Your Ready for Love Tarot Reading Considers the Following:

  1. Lesson(s) from the distant past.
  2. Is there still work to do or have you learnt it/them?
  3. Lesson(s) from the recent past.
  4. Is there still work to do or have you learnt it/them?
  5. Lesson(s) in the present.
  6. Is there still work to do or have you learnt it/them?
  7. The degree to which you understand the importance of being happy alone.
  8. The degree to which you understand the importance of compromise.
  9. The degree to which you understand the importance of equality.
  10. The degree to which you understand the importance of being a “whole” and not a “half.”
  11. The degree to which you understand the importance of being open.
  12. Is your heart as ready as it should or could be?
  13. Is your mind as ready as it should or could be?
  14. Is your soul as ready as it should or could be?


Ready for Love Tarot Reading Format:

14 card email reading with individual interpretation of each card.


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